Now, I don’t really talk about my inspirations much (or post branded content on this site), but this Cîroc campaign spoke to me!
In it, Puff Daddy says, “Everything I’m living now, I dreamt about it. I knew that I had to work hard to get it and I wanted it. I got my first job when I was 12. I didn’t settle at one paper route, I got 4 paper routes. My mother had four jobs. I [saw] her work ethic. It was instilled in me at an early age: It’s not gone be on your time, it’s not gone be on your schedule. You have to be patient. And me not giving up, the opportunity arose. You gotta keep driving, keep working, falling down, getting up, falling down, getting up…and then you finally get to it. What I do now, is I open doors. I do it for we. It’s our turn now. Let’s get it.”
If that’s not what the Bomb Life is about, I don’t know what is!
I guess we all say the same thing, in different ways: dream big. Work hard. Be patient. And drink responsibly!

Love + Light,
*Ciroc didn’t pay me to write this, but the message hit home. I like to work with brands that I actually enjoy and that are an organic fit!