I’m cranking out this Ask Claire super fast, as I’m running to an appointment! I wish I could tell you what it was, but stay tuned for a Fashion Bomb product this holiday season.
At any rate, let’s quickly get to today’s reader query:
Mino asks, “I am a thirtysomething post-graduate student who is seeking to break into blogging. My interests are style and fashion, social politics and theology, and I know this is an odd combination, and so I’ll have to most likely form three different blogs. In terms of fashion blogging, I would like to know how does one obtain an internship or a freelance position with the top magazines (i.e. Essence, Elle, Vogue, etc.) if they are not accepting contributors, or if there is no direct contact for Human Resources listed on their websites?”
All publications have similar e-mail addresses, whether its firstname.lastnight@magazine.com or firstname@magazine.com or whatever. If you can’t find how e-mails for that publication or formatted, you can even be adventurous and try various formats! That said, once you find out how things are done, pick up the masthead, choose your target, and e-mail away.
At Fashion Bomb Daily, it’s just firstname@fashionbombdaily.com. IF you want to e-mail me, it’s Claire@FashionBombDaily.com. And with that said, use my e-mail to send over your next Ask Claire Question!
And I’m off.
Love + Light,
In Ask Claire/ Featured/ Giuseppe Zanotti
Ask Claire: How Can I Apply for a Job at a Magazine Without Contact Information?