A few weeks ago, a Fashion Bomb staffer called me in tears, dismayed at how life had turned out post college. She revealed that she was underemployed, looking for opportunities, but not making any headway. I know how it is, so told her that Fashion Bomb Daily was a great platform and she can use it to showcase her talent and make a little extra money.
About a week later, I asked the same staffer if she could take on more responsibility. After hearing my ‘ask,’ she politely declined, citing an already vigorous schedule. I said ok and found someone else to take on the load.
Then a few days ago, this same young lady asked to come to New York for Fashion Week, and asked if she could stay with me. I like my peace and quiet during NYFW, so said no, but offered to get her a hotel room if she was willing to work off the price of the room by writing more articles for the site. She replied, “I guess I’ll have to sit this one out.”
To which I replied,
“I’m going to tell you this because I care and perhaps someone else won’t tell you this. It’s meant to be constructive, so definitely think about it:
A few weeks ago, you called me, in tears, saying that you felt like you weren’t getting to where you wanted to go. That you wanted a job in your field but you also loved fashion. I took it to mean that you were really interested in pursuing a career in journalism or going further with Fashion Bomb Daily.
Twice, I’ve asked you to do a little extra work for the site. Instead of take it on, you’ve declined.
I understand that you might be busy, life happens, etc, but if you want something badly enough, you really have to do everything it takes to get there, which means sometimes inconveniencing yourself or working a little harder.
Now, I don’t know if fashion writing is what you want to do.
I just finished writing a speech for BET’s the Round where I describe sleeping on a bathtub in Paris while I was doing an internship at Paris Vogue that paid me 500 Euros a month. I wasn’t at home with my mom, I was out, in a foreign country and city by myself. After that experience, I would write 30 fashion show reviews for Vogue Italia per city. They paid me $20 per article. They did not pay for me to fly anywhere or pay for me to stay anywhere. I would sometimes stay with friends who lived in rooms the size of closets; they would sleep on a twin bed and I would sleep on the floor.
In life, if you want to be THE BEST (and I mean the absolute best), you have to put in the work. Don’t say no when someone gives you an opportunity to shine. You might not see it as an opportunity at the time, but you plant the seeds for greatness.
Even if fashion journalism isn’t what you want to do, whatever field you choose, be the best. Nothing less.”
I’m not trying to make this staffer feel bad by ANY MEANS, but I do think we can all learn from this.
If you’re at a job and you want to be in a better position, don’t say no when a higher up asks you to do something.
If you want more, you have to do more. Simple.
Love + Light,