So, as you know, I am writing a book! And I have a coach who is helping me along the way. I’ll reveal his name later (maybe when I’m halfway or 100% done). I finally sat down this morning to get started on Chapter 1, which is tentatively titled, “Yes, I went to Harvard.” And as I lifted my fingers to write, I remembered that I had started to write a book in 2009.
In 2009, I was still living in Paris, trying to figure this whole fashion thing out. I was poor. Dejected. Oft Rejected. And because I was also underemployed, I had a TON of time to write. I cranked out 73 pages single spaced (!) on why I moved to Paris, salient experiences while there, triumphs, joys, and sadnesses. To be honest, I had forgotten just how much I had struggled to keep my head above water. I’d forgotten those days of credit cards being declined on $20 meals and late rent payments. I know there are more than a few things I can use in this new book, but not sure what. No worries, you’ll be the first to know!
The thing that stuck out to me the most was how, even in the midst of my despair, I still didn’t stop dreaming. I wrote, “I always had this vision that one day I’d be standing in an auditorium, telling thousands of young hopefuls not to give up on their dreams. ‘I risked everything and moved to Paris. I had no money, no credit, just a vision and unquenchable passion,’ I would say. Inspired students would come up to me with tears in their eyes afterwards, seeking more nuggets of wisdom or simple reassurance that all would be ok. I would sign their books (of course I’d have written a book!) and give them an e-mail address to keep in touch. The poor man’s success story.”
Now…I haven’t spoken in front of thousands–yet–but I certainly have chatted it up in front of hundreds! And at the time I wrote that, Fashion Bomb Daily wasn’t even profitable. It had nowhere near the following and Cocktails with Claire wasn’t even an idea.
I was talking to my mentor last night because…sometimes mo’ money, mo’ problems (Biggie wasn’t lying!). Even now, I get frustrated and get down. And he said, “I believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself,” to which I responded, “I’m gonna say that in a speech one day” (we both admitted that we would be crying at the time of said speech). After that exchange, we started to visualize WHAT award that would be. Even silly exercises like that encourage you to dream big and stay focused. And sometimes once you write it down or even think about it, it materializes, almost spontaneously.
When I was in Paris, barely making ends meet, I wrote down that one day I’d want to live 100% from my website and to make a certain amount per year. And I did that–and more.
So I’d encourage you (whoever you are!), to do the same. I know it sounds redundant and I’ve probably said it many times before in different ways, but begin to imagine the life that you want. And one day all the pain will be a distant memory!
Now I’m off to read my old book! It’s so juicy!
And then I’m going to start to write a new one. All updates will be here on this website:)
Love + Light!
In Stuart Weitzman/ Throwback Thurday
Throwback Thursday: So I Already Wrote a Book; My Unpublished Tome and The Importance of Visualization Wearing J Bailey and Dior