Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Though I’ve been a waste of space lately (saving up my energy for all the panels and book events on my calendar), I decided to venture outside today and check out Hidden Figures with my friends.
The touching film, based on a True Story, tells of Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae) and Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer), three extremely brilliant physicists, mathematicians, and engineers who worked at NASA in the 60’s. As America raced to get into space, these three women played key roles, ensuring the initial launches were mathematically accurate and safe.
Though the 60’s were characterized by staunch segregation, the trio’s talents were simply too good to be suppressed. Colleagues tried to dismiss their abilities because of their race and gender, but they staunchly defied all stereotypes. Of Katherine Johnson, NASA stated, “Her calculations proved as critical to the success of the Apollo Moon landing program and the start of the Space Shuttle program, as they did to those first steps on the country’s journey into space.”
The movie drips and oozes with black girl magic and beauty, from the fabulous red and fuchsia matte lips to the flirty lashes to the cinched waists, hats, and smart heels.
But more than the fashion, brilliance, and general Bombshell blitzes, Hidden Figures made me PROUD. Proud to be a smart black women who is confident in her ability and not afraid to express it.
Katherine, Mary, and Dorothy’s intelligence demanded respect. And even though they were treated poorly at times, they kept their heads down and did the work until their talents shined through. Yes, they broke the rules occasionally (Mary enrolled in an all white school to take night classes so that she could be an engineer; Katherine seemingly defied authority many a time, for the sake of safety and science). But they made history because of their moxie and refusal to accept an inferior status.
May they be examples to all of us. Don’t let anyone dim your light. Don’t let anyone steal your magic. You were put on this planet to serve a purpose. So SERVE!
Check out a few trailers here:
And go during the week if you can! My friends and I tried to go see the movie in Brooklyn but it was completely sold out. We found luck in the city, but were sitting right under the screen because the theater was PACKED! Pick an off day, and go.
Thank me later.
Love + Light,
In Bomb Life 101/ Culture/ Movies
Reflections on Hidden Figures: Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Magic