I am dipping my new blonde head in to tell you to live to please yourself, not anyone else.
When I posted my new hair on IG, here, Fashion Bomb Daily, and Youtube on Friday night (I was busy, lol), I resigned to just post the images then grab a glass of wine and relax. I refused to pay attention to the comments because even if people hated it, there was nothing I could do. I had made my decision and I was happy with it!
Though I haven’t read through all 100+ comments on @FashionBombDaily, of course I spied one or two from people who incredulously typed, “You cut off your locs to get a wig?!?” and a few others who said something about a closure (still don’t know what that is). But then there were others who were effusive with praise (“I am shook!” “You look bomb!”). Some love it, some hate it. At the end of the day, I love it, and that’s really all that matters.
Living your life to please others will be a losing battle. Someone will ALWAYS have something to say. I ignore them, and I DO ME. The same goes for anything you want to do in life. DO YOU. Only the strong (and the bold) survive.
As for me, I’m having fun learning about curling irons and flexy rods…finally using a comb (I’m like Ariel from the Little Mermaid lol)…and of course am giddy at the thought of having long tresses, a curly fro, or maybe even locs once again…!
Life is short, live it the way you want. Strive for happiness and self love first–the rest will follow.
Love & Light,
*Images: Marta McAdams
**For Kelley’s Bday, I wore a Kenzo logo sweatshirt dress, Alice + Olivia boots, a hat from The Hat Shop and Dior shades.
In Alice + Olivia/ Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Hair/ Kenzo/ Style
Live to Please Yourself (You Can’t Please Everyone): Wearing Kenzo and Alice + Olivia