So as I’m sure you can tell by my Instagram: I’m in Paris!
What you may not be able to tell via IG is that this was a completely last minute trip! I barely planned and bought my ticket days before leaving. I didn’t take time to curate a bunch of looks like I did for New York Fashion Week. I was basically utterly unprepared. I could have thought of a million reasons why I SHOULD NOT go, but I took a risk and went for it.
As the saying goes, Paris is always a good idea. Also, there is a meme I love from IG, that says, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” Fear of the unknown and the ‘what ifs” keep us exactly where we are. But taking risks oftentimes pay off.
If you are passionate about something but don’t see a way in, show up anyway.
I can say that Paris has been full of wonderful, beautiful surprises. I’ve met new business contacts, eaten delicious food, taken in all the wonderful sights that the city has to offer, done a few photo shoots, and was confirmed to attend one of my absolute FAVORITE brand’s shows today. None of this would have happened if I had stayed in Brooklyn the past few days.
The Universe rewards risk taking, so get in the habit of trusting the GOD will catch you if you step out on faith.
Love & Light,
Images: Guillaume Landry
*Get my look at