Now that I’m not relying on the ‘I Wore This’ outfit posts, I’ve been racking my brain about what to say!
Even though I dispense lots of advice via The Bomb Life 101, let me state that I am by no means a life coach or an expert. I’ve never met a self help book I didn’t like, and most of what I’m offering to you is my interpretation of great advice culled from lots of reading and research.
Long story short: I had a vision me sitting on a Private Jet, counting money. Sounds ridiculous, yes, but it made me think that noone gets to where they want to be without planning for it and envisioning it.
One of my favorite unsung mentors once gave me a book called, It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be by Paul Arden.
The book is short, but gives you lots of insight on the lives of the rich and famous. There is one story in there about Victoria ‘Posh’ Beckham, who once said that she wanted to be as famous as Persil, which is a brand of laundry detergent. Though she started out as a Spice Girl, she always dreamt of becoming a household name. Look at her now. She’s married to David Beckham, has a very popular and expensive fashion brand, has covered numerous magazines, and is worth $300 million. This is not by accident.
This woman set clear goals and went for them. Most people at the top plan for it.
You guys have grown with me, since I first broke my Bronx New York heels while attempting to swish down 5th avenue in New York City back in 2006.
When I lived in Paris, I wrote a list of things I wanted. One of them was a pair of Christian Louboutin black pumps. Just one pair. Not too long after writing that, I bought my first pair from the Christian Louboutin store on Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré. And have purchased several pairs since then.
One of my super religious friends said once, “You can’t go to GOD with a laundry list and ask him to fulfill it.” And that’s true. What is meant for you is meant for you. If something’s not meant to be, it won’t be.
But it’s ok to just be clear about what you want out of life and write it down. Don’t be ashamed of it. And you don’t have to share it with too many people.
Just know that whatever you ask out of life…there’s a good chance you will receive it.
I’ll leave you with a little poem from another one of my favorite books, Think and Grow Rich, to further illustrate my point:
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;
For Life is just an employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.”
― Jessie B. Rittenhouse
*Wearing a Kimberly Goldson Suit, Balenciaga Tee, and Christian Louboutin So Kate Pumps
**People made fun of my cheap Bronx shoes 10 years ago. Don’t be discouraged, keep going for what you want, but be clear about it.