Happy Sunday, Guys!
Fitness and health have been top of mind for me since the top of the year! I’ve been the same dress and pant size most of my life, and honestly have NEVER successfully lost a pound in the past! But after focusing, doing some research, and remaining disciplined, I am down 20 pounds!
If you LOVE to eat but have had trouble getting to your ideal weight, read on for ten things that worked for me:
1.Intermittent Fasting
Ask anyone who has lost any amount of weight, and the first thing they’ll tell you is that they first started by controlling what they consumed! My brothers both lost hundreds of pounds by Intermittent Fasting, which is basically when you only eat for a certain number of hours per day, and the rest of the time you don’t eat–you fast. They both told me about an app called Zero (above). I couldn’t endorse it more highly! While Zero has all sorts of functionalities to track your diet, your exercise, and weight, I literally just use it for the timer so that I can log when I start eating every day and when I stop. The app sends you notifications throughout the day to let you know if you’re on track or how many hours you have left in your fast. The notifications and just paying attention to when I eat was the first step towards reaching my weight loss goals! I have been doing the 16:8 fast for the past 9 months (basically eating between 12pm and 8pm every day), and am now going to start doing 18:6 (between 12 and 6pm every day). The more time you spend fasting, the more accelerated your weight loss. Try it for yourself! This is one of the easiest ways to get going (in my opinion), as long as you can avoid social eating late at night. Fasting is always easier when you drink, lots of water, which brings me to…
2. Drink Lots of Water
I started drinking a gallon a day at the encouragement of my dentist and realized just how hard it was to do! I’ve slowed down on the gallon a day (mainly because I had to pee all the time), but a healthy daily consumption of water (like 2 liters a day) is great for hydration, and can make you feel full and energetic. Obviously don’t overdo it (I did get a water headache when I tried to drink too much in a short period of time). Take sips throughout the day and try to replace your standard juices and sodas with WATER. Your body and skin will thank you.
3. Walk, Walk, Walk

In my research, I’ve read that 10,000 steps a day is good if you’re trying to lose weight. I gave myself the goal of 50,000 steps per week, which equates to 10,000 steps per day for 5 days a week or any combination thereof (because I can’t walk for 2 hours on days I go out, I compensate by walking or running 15,000 steps for 3 days a week, for example. You’re bound to walk at least a couple thousand steps per day just by doing mild activity. So basically 3 days out of the week you are working out more than normal). Walking and running are everything. For me, my walks are times for me to think and reflect, listen to music or motivational videos, or even catch up with relatives on the phone. Nothing beats fresh air, and exposure to the sun is recommended if you want to live a long life! Because walking CAN be boring, I try to walk to run errands like dropping packages at the post office or going to a far away grocery store for fresh produce. A GOOD walk can take you anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. Try to get it in as much as you can. I track my steps using the Noom app, but I believe most iPhones have pedometers in the Health app. If not, get a good pedometer or Apple Watch and get ta step-in!
4. Eliminating Meat
Me sticking to a (mostly) meatless diet was key for me. Most days, I’m pescatarian, only eating fish, veggies, and carbs in moderation. There are some days I don’t have fish at all, and just have veggies and fruits all day (I love ordering from places like Sweetgreen that have BOMB bowls that are yummy and good for you). I am a carnivore, so I might slip up on an oxtail or chicken wing on occasion. I’d say consume those foods rarely, and focus on mostly fruits, veggies, and juices. Have fish perhaps a few days a week and all the good stuff on special occasions. When it comes to fish, it doesn’t mean crab legs every day! Steer away from shell fish like crabs, lobsters, and shrimps as they’re high in cholesterol. Lean towards cod, salmon, and tuna. I love to have green juices several times a week and I also love a good ginger shot. What you eat is one of the most important elements of losing weight, but once you get started, I promise it gets easier. Fill up on fruits like sweet, crunchy green grapes, red delicious apples, juicy pineapples, and ripe bananas. Isn’t your mouth watering already?
Also stock up on no guilt snacks like Veggie Sticks, nuts, and one of MY personal favorites, Pop Corners (the white cheddar flavor is everythingggg).
5. Eat Prepared Meals like Cook Unity
Claire don’t cook (long story), so I’ve always had my meals delivered to me every week. I was pleased to discover Cook Unity, which offers delicious chef prepared meals at affordable prices. What I love about Cook Unity is that you can shop by calorie, protein, and diet (you can search for low carb, vegetarian, keto friendly, etc). They deliver to your doorstep every week in fancy cooler bags and the food is REALLY good. I eat about two meals a day and go for ones that are 500 calories or less.
6. Drop 10 Workout
In addition to walking, I also do the drop 10 workout several days a week. Though it may seem daunting, the full circuit takes about 20-30 minutes, which I believe is your recommended exercise per day. I do these while watching TV. As each exercise gets easier, I add on. For example, now, instead of crunches, I do sit ups. And in addition to push ups, I do burpees (but I hurt my shoulder the other day, so take it easy on yourself). The best way I’ve found to stay disciplined with these was to do it with friends. Which brings me to…
7. Have an Accountability Group
My friends and I have about 7 group chats going!! One of them is an accountability group where I and two of my friends check in every day about doing the Drop 10 workout. We simply text each other “Done!” when we’re complete. We’re easygoing with each other but let me tell you, it gives me the inspiration to do mine when my friend has done hers for the day. And I feel accomplished when I can write in. Everything in life is more fun when you can share it with people you love. If you and your girlfriends are trying to keep it tight and right, consider starting a group chat so that you guys can keep each other in check.
8. Waist Training
So the cat’s out the bag! I wear a waist trainer almost every day. At first it was SO UNCOMFORTABLE, but now I’m cool with it. While I’m not sure if waist training actually works, I use my waist trainer as shapewear and also as an external device to help keep me from overeating. I put one on in the morning, and when I eat, the waist trainer applies pressure once I begin eating too much. Obviously everything in moderation: I only wear it 5 hours a day. I don’t wear it while working out. Do your research to see if this is a good option for you.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar
I add a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon to my water to help with digestion. There are many health benefits to Apple Cider Vinegar, including reducing cholesterol and lowering blood sugar levels. Read more about it here.
10. Weigh Yourself

I never used to weigh myself. Ever. But if you don’t know how much you weigh, you won’t be able to keep track. Keep a scale in your bathroom and weigh in once a week to track your progress!
And that does it!
Weight loss is a journey. Be kind to yourself, give yourself grace, and also be sure to fit in an occasional cheat day. Live a little!
Also, do your research. I started to cling to a mostly fruits and veggies diet after reading a book called Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet. Eating mainly vegetarian is ideal for ME, but be sure to find out what works for YOU.
Let me know if you have any additional tips and thoughts below.
Love & Light,

*Most of the photos above are just recent pix of me out and about, lensed by Sone Jr.
*Check the transformation below

**Other tips I’ve heard: Get your sleep. No Dairy. No stress! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!