So I’ve been hearing good stuff about meditation for years.
Like the 5am rule, loads of successful people swear by meditation, including Russell Simmons, Rick Rubin, Kobe Bryant, Arianna Huffington, and even Oprah, who is rumored to have a meditation room in her house.
This morning I successfully woke up at 5am (pats self on back), but instead of hit the park for a run or brisk walk, I decided to kick the day off with meditation. I found a helpful video on Youtube, got comfy on my chaise lounge chair, and closed my eyes.
Video? Check. Deep Breaths? Sure! But for some reason, even after 20 minutes, I couldn’t STOP MY BRAIN FROM THINKING.
I know it was my first attempt (of many, I’ve tried it before), but I can say that my meditation was largely unsuccessful. Perhaps practice makes perfect?
At any rate, what ultimately calmed my thoughts down a little was focusing on deep breaths. I’ll try again tomorrow!
But if you have any tips, leave ’em below. I’d love to hear. Meditation is definitely something I see as necessary at this stage in my life.
Do you meditate? Have you reaped any benefits?
Love + Light,
**Ashamed to say that my meditation calmed me down enough, however, that I ended up going back to sleep. Shame! Moving forward, I’ll do my morning walk first THEN meditate.
*Read about even more successful people who meditate here.