So I was ready to regurgitate my latest outfit post as I tend to do on this site, but decided to do something different!
Today reader Maya wrote in, saying, “I follow you on Instagram and I just have to say that I love the ensembles that you put together. I just wanted to know if you had any tips to give to your fans on how to be successful, not just within the fashion industry, but in general. If you are able to give advice, could you post it on your blog, please? I look forward to hearing from you.”
Sure thing!
Y’all already know that I don’t feel like I’m that successful, though I’m sure it’s my somewhat perfectionist outlook that keeps me pushing forward.
At any rate, here are a few thoughts.
1. Be good to people.
Be kind to absolutely everyone around you. Treat people you work for and who work for you with respect. You might not always get the same respect and consideration in return, but as my mom always says, “Do the Right Thing.” This kindness extends to those who support you (i.e. Fashion Bomb readers). If you see me in the streets, I always make sure to say hello, because I know I couldn’t have come this far without you.
Sometimes people will take your kindness for weakness. Of course don’t be so nice that people run all over you! But being decent, grateful, and kind can take you quite far…!
2. Work Hard. There are no shortcuts.
One of my favorite books is called How to Be C.E.O. by Jeffrey Fox. My brother gave it to me, and I’d encourage you to read it as well. At any rate, one of my favorite chapters is called, “Make One More Call.” It says, “Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio–two of the greatest hitters in baseball history–each took more batting practice than did all their teammates combined. It took Alexander Graham Bell over a thousand experiments to fashion a commercially viable phone prototype. The difference between a successful person and the average is inches. The salesperson who makes one more sales call, the copywriter who does one more draft, the carpenter who nails one more board.” For me, I’m the blogger who does
Blogging (or any type of job) can certainly get monotonous, annoying, exasperating. But half of the battle is showing up. And not just showing up–showing out. Do your very best. Write one more post. You never know who’s watching.
3. Do Your Homework
I always love to ask successful people what their favorite books are. And then…I go read them. Everything you seek to discover is at your fingertips. Cruise online and read voraciously. The first book I read about blogging was, “Blogging for Dummies.”
When I first got started, I asked every fashion writer I admired for an informational interview (another tip for success). Teri Agins, who was the fashion editor of the Wall Street Journal at the time, advised I read a book called, “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser…and I did.
I’ve given many people who’ve written for me the same advice. I even lent one of my former interns one of my prized books. She returned it unread–and ripped! You’d be surprised how many people don’t follow simple advice. Be the one who does.
4. Be professional
I try not to ever send a mean tweet, a nasty text, or a rude e-mail. Even if you’re upset, wait a few hours. If you’re still upset, find a calm way to get your feelings across or keep it to yourself and keep it pushin! Noone wants to hear you complain, and at the end of the day, you’ll sound petty and juvenile. Always take the high road. It’s hard, but necessary.
Also, always think: What would Oprah do?
5. Dress and look the part
Invest in those garments! There is beauty in frugality, but in fashion in particular, you should always dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Invest within reason, but know that these investments in yourself do tend to pay off.
6. Follow Up.
How many business cards do you have scattered around you, unused because you didn’t follow up? Most people will receive a colleague’s business card and forget all about it. Be apart of the rare breed who actually sends that e-mail and makes that meeting. You never know what may come of it.
7. Keep Good People Around You.
I am lucky to call some very brilliant people my friends. Whether lawyers, doctors, or marketing gurus, they’re always around to lend a helpful ear and push me to do better. I am endlessly inspired by my colleagues and their accomplishments. And instead of us being jealous or bitter towards each other, we motivate each other, via our successes, to go further. You are a reflection of the company you keep. Birds of a feather…flock together. So make sure you set some high standards for your social group.
These are just a few thoughts. I actually have a lot more. Stay tuned for my book in 2016 (another tip: say what you want, and tell as many people as you can. Things have a way of coming to reality, but you have to speak it into existence).
Do you have anything to add?