Today, I didn’t feel like getting out of bed. The 5am rule be darned. I kept on pressing snooze. The weight of all I had to do, plans for the future, and life stresses kept me clinging to my pillow, snuggled under the covers, putting my phone on vibrate and muting notifications.
The night before, I had been meandering on Youtube, and happened upon this video from 2013 from the Blogging while Brown Conference.
Angel Laws of Concrete Loop, Necole Kane of Necole Bitchie, Karen Civil, and I had all come together to do a keynote.
We talked about the ups and downs of blogging, how hard it can be, and about how we balanced life and work.
3 years later, and neither Concrete Loop nor Necole Bitchie are around (though Necole did relaunch her site with Still, sometimes blogging can be too much. And you just feel like pulling the plug and burying your head under a pillow.
Though it’s hard, you got to get up. Because sometimes getting up is the hardest part of the battle.
Hand to GOD, as I was pressing snooze for the 15th time (my alarm went off at 4:50am and I pressed snooze every 9 minutes until 10am), I heard a voice whisper, “Claire.” I thought my assistant had crept in and was at my door, but then I remember my door has a chain lock. Perhaps it was all in my head or perhaps it was something other worldy. Just something told me to get my butt up and get to work.
I guess the point of this is to know that we all get down. We all want to quit. Trust me, we do. We all sometimes lack motivation. Feel overwhelmed and burdened with what we have put on our plates. But just get up and keep going. Sometimes it’s as simple as: who will be the last woman standing?
What do you think?
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday: Reflections on the 2013 Blogging While Brown Conference + Sometimes It’s Just about Who Will Be the Last One Standing