Christmas used to be the most wonderful holiday of the year because of…presents.
Christmas was that one time of the year when you were showered with gifts as far as the eye could see. I remember waiting for Santa with my brother, and creeping under the tree just after the stroke of midnight to see what delectable items I could unwrap. Barbies, Nintendos, and board games held court under that shiny paper that I took ultimate joy in ripping off. Gotta admit that Christmas day as a child was the BEST DAY EVER.
A few years after that Christmas euphoria, some bozo bursted my bubble and told me that Santa Claus wasn’t real. But we still played along for a few years. But by the time you’re an adult, you’re the one buying gifts, which is an expensive chore. Eventually, you just give up.
I’ll admit, I dropped the ball this year. I was so busy that I honestly didn’t plan for anything at all (note, I will have an assistant next year who I will charge with the task of buying presents). My friends got me La Mer face cream and Fenty Beauty Uncensored lip stain, and all I gave them was a hug and some love. Cruising on Net a Porter, I fell in love with this jacket, and it honestly accounted for all my Christmas funds.
But I guess just like Fashion Week, there is always next season to make sure I do it up right.
Christmas is about happiness, fellowship, and celebrating the birth of Christ. GOD is love, so spreading love and joy should be the greatest gift one can give or receive. Tell that to my parents who have been asking me for gifts for the past 2 days…my how the tables turn.
Anyway, I hope you guys had wonderful holidays with loved ones. Now, back to work!
Love & Light,
**You know how you have that ONE brand that is ‘you’? Balmain is my brand. It’s tailored, it’s luxury, it’s a mixture of class and sass, it’s bold, it’s sexy, AND the creative director is black: Sign me up! Expect to see a lot more Balmain in 2018.
In Balmain/ Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Style
Merry Christmas: Reflections on Christmas as an Adult in a Balmain Double Breasted Shearling Trimmed Suede Jacket From Net a Porter