The US Open’s Opening Day was yesterday! I went over to watch the matches and kick it with a slew of fashionable, influential people, including Chef Roblé, Grace Mahary, Fatima Siad, Ciprianna Quann, TK Wonder, and Saada Ahmed (to name a few).
I wanted to go for sporty chic, so I rocked a short and flirty Cushnie et Ochs dress with Reebok Classics and a Chanel purse.
I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go with the US Open themed visor! But it was great for blocking the sun and soaking up sweat.
We turned the US Open all the way up! After watching the games, DJ Moma did a set, and we danced the night away!
It’s clear the USTA is trying to increase diversity and awareness of the games through us. The audience still looked very homogenous, so I’d encourage all of you to attend! Get BOGO tickets by visiting and entering the code BFASHION!
What do you think?
Images: Visuals by Pierre