A few weeks ago, some friends from college and I planned a girl’s weekend. Doing such is difficult given our busy schedules, kids, and hubbies, but we did it! August 27th was the date we reserved for 24 hours of sun, fun, and spirits in Upstate New York. As luck would have it, some of my homegirls made alternate plans, some had to work, and some had drama knock on their door (direct quote). Ultimately our group of 8 whittled down to a strident four, but we were committed to the vision.
I was well aware, weeks in advance as well, that the MTV VMAs were coming to New York City on August 28th. And while I would’ve love to see Rihanna and Beyonce’s numerous performances and outfit changes (and I could have made it since we were returning Sunday morning), I decided to focus on my friends. There was a pool. I worried about my hair being rendered into half locs and half afro, but I was ok with that. I jumped in.
When I returned, I was ashy. Half of the long nails I had expertly manicured had popped off or broken. I looked absolutely crazy. But I was happy. Instead of even try to go or pop by an after party (I heard Rihanna’s was bomb), I was content surveying all the festivities virtually, and yapping on the phone with my boo thing.
I remember watching a video on Destiny’s Child when they were younger, with Matthew Knowles yelling at them for swimming, knowing that they had to practice. I’m sure the girls worked hard, so it’s important to play hard as well…even if you feel a little guilty doing so (is it crazy I feel guilty for having zero interest in attending?).
The Fashion Bomb squad had my back, Alicia Quarles took over our IG story, and we ended up doing a good job. I guess the point of this Monday Moment is to allow yourself moments when you can just be indulgent and free. Let your hair go wild, let that mani/pedi crackle and become undone. Just relax! You deserve it. And there’s always next year…!
Love + Light
*I’m wearing a set from Rue 107 that I’m gonna shoot again with Pierre! And a pink Tammy Rivera swimsuit. I was very tempted to bring Pierre with us, but our weekend was for play, not work! You’ll see these pieces again, however:)