So this site has been woefully neglected. What can I say? I’ve been super busy traveling it up, writing, and growing my business! During my plane rides, I’ve been indulging in a bit of reading. I recommend you pick up The Book of Luke by Luther Campbell.
Yes, it’s Luke of “Don’t Stop, Pop that Pop That,” and “Scarred” fame. The ‘nasty’ one from 2 Live Crew. Though his songs and imagery were controversial, he fought many battles to protect artists First Amendment rights to self expression. He owned his own record company when many artists were getting fleeced by major labels. And he offers loads of insight on racial tensions in Miami, the music industry, entrepreneurship, and more.
It’s funny: my mom actually recommended I read this book. Not quite sure she even really knows who Luke is. And there’s a strong chance she just picked it up because he’s part Bahamian (My mom is from Nassau, Bahamas and has loads of Bahamian pride!). Of course Luke shares some of that pride, not just in his culture, but in his race. His musical efforts initially were to give inner city kids something to do instead of hang out on the streets. Later in his life, after his sonic stardom, Luke took a hand in mentoring loads of underprivileged kids and coach them through sports and school. He really is a stand up, intelligent guy, and his book is definitely worth a read!
I couldn’t recommend it more. I hope Luke’s hard work and contributions to culture don’t go unnoticed.
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