I hate London Heathrow Airport.
I’ve done a lot of traveling in my day, as my Dad’s a pilot. I’ve been to China, Africa, and all over Europe, the Caribbean, and the United States. London Heathrow is the only airport that truly grinds my gears.
Why? Their security screening system is preposterous. In most aiports, you can get through security with your one bag of 2 oz. bottles, and bring your makeup bag, travel sized edge control cream, and whatever else you may need to stay fly.
At Heathrow, they include foundation, eyelash glue, and Visine as part of the caboodle–and you’re only allowed one tiny bag. More often than not, I’m left staring tearfully as they dispose of my Palmer’s Cocoa Butter, Olive Oil Edge Control, and host of other products that are not easy to find in Europe. My local Duane Reade in Brooklyn can barely keep Edge Control Cream in stock. These edges have to be laid!
Another thing I sincerely dislike: say they find an errant lash glue in your carry on. That gives them full reign to totally unpack your suitcase (including all your underwear, etc)…and then leave all your items that you carefully packed, unpacked on a table. You have to repack your own bag. And for what? There’s nothing in there!
One would think that I’m used to this. The first few times it happened, I got angry, tweeted my butt off, and was met with surly attitudes in response. Today, I just groaned as security threw away my toothpaste, muttering, “I hate this airport.” I do.
I get that we have to have security at airports. But why would something that gets a pass at 98% of the airports in the world (including New York, home of 9/11) not get a pass at Heathrow? They say they’re just doing their job…and that they have very high standards. I find it all obnoxious and overbearing. Let me have my 2 oz. lotion and my two travel sized toothpastes. It’s not going to hurt anyone. Let me live.

I need all of this
At any rate, I’m done with security (hallelujah!) and off to Milan. Here’s hoping for smooth sailing from here on out. Only 2 more airports to go….(or maybe one, I got food poisoning, and think I might just go home)!
*Traveler’s tip: If you’re flying through Heathrow, check all your liquids, including your makeup. Save yourself the headache. Don’t let them throw away your expensive foundation or take your edge control!!