Happy Almost Weekend!
The other day I linked up with Ty Hunter to shoot new promotional pix for Cocktails with Claire x Ty.
I have new hair hunny! And all of our older pix show the old Claire. Welcome to Claire 2.0.
I had a series of meetings for the day, so wore a Cushnie et Ochs ribbed sweater, matching Asymmetrical skirt, and Givenchy leather trimmed stretch boots. I accessorized with shades from my favorite Tnemnroda (Adornment spelled backwards).
There are a lot of new exciting things on the horizon. All I can say to you fellow creatives out there is to create. If you see something in the landscape that does not exist yet, make it. Do not allow fear and doubt to poison your thoughts. March forward, take your lumps and your losses, and keep pushing. Every day, strive to create something new that will bring joy to you and others.
Joy to the world.
Love & Light,
In Claire's Life/ Cushnie et Ochs/ Featured/ Givenchy/ Style
The Future’s So Bright: New Promo Pix for Cocktails w Claire x Ty Hunter in Cushnie et Ochs, Tnemnroda, and Givenchy