This month has been busy, baby! I simply have not had time to write in for each event, so here’s a highlight reel of The Bomb Life!
The month kicked off with the Met Gala! I had actually mentored kids as apart of Misa Hylton Fashion Academy the weekend prior…

I was pooped after that, so I didn’t go to any Met Gala parties, though I did cover the festivities live with Sara Gore on the night of the Met Gala:
I also popped in the day after to give my recap:
I wore Alice & Olivia on Day 1 and Sergio Hudson on day 2, with Chanel belts that I’m SO SAD I lost. I don’t lose ANYTHING and the fact that I lost my Chanel belts hurts me to my core. If anyone comes across Chanel belts at the Ritz Carlton in Key Biscayne or Rosen Single Creek in Orlando, please Holla at me! I am distraught!
Moving on…
After all that excitement, it was time to travel! I first went to Orlando to get my hair colored by Kendall the Master Stylist:
And then I went to Miami for Kim Blackwell’s Excelerate Her Conference:
The conference welcomes boss women for days of conferences and dinners. It was the bomb!

After 48 hours in Miami, I went to Altanta for Mary J Blige’s Strength of a Woman Fest! Aside from posing with MJB herself…
I attended concerts, conferences, and judged my first Drag Ball with Law Roach and Milano di Rouge:

And somehow in the midst of it all, I also gave the commencement speech at my High School..!

The Bomb Life has been busy, booked, and BLESSED, ok!
If you want to shop my looks, visit LTK!
Love & Light,

*Willing to offer a reward for my Chanel belts, email for details.