So I’m in Paris!
I’ve been so entrenched with writing my new book, that I haven’t given any energy to The Bomb Life! But today is a new day! Here we go.
Today, I set out towards the Musee des Art Decoratifs to see the Dior exhibit (paging all fashion nerds!). When I arrived, I discovered the exhibit was closed on Mondays…so took a turn, and walked towards a more familiar stomping ground, Rue St. Honoré.
I used to walk up and down Rue. St. Honoré when I interned at Paris Vogue. As the correspondent in charge of street style, I’d hang my camera around my neck and comb the streets for chic. At the time, I was making 500 Euros per month. Not enough to buy nice clothes or even stop for a glass of wine at a café on the iconic street. I used to just walk by, feeling intimidated by the fabulousness of everyone around.
When I returned to that street today, I was intimidated. I was sure the café La Coupe D’Or would be too full, and I’d have to wait for an outdoor seat. But just my luck, a single seat was free right in the center. I sat down and had a Kir and a plate of escargots (my favorite!).
Paris was the one city that gave me a shot. Paris Vogue was the only magazine that would allow me into its doors, even though I was a lonely intern. I felt scruffy and times were rough, but I paid my dues. And now I return as a new woman. I can now do (light) shopping in the stores. I can sit at the cafés. I no longer have to work to barely get by.
It’s been 7 years since I was that girl walking up and down Rue. St. Honoré. So who knows where I will be in the next 7? But to those reading this, please know that ‘low’ moments are only temporary. Do your best and aim high!
For those who read my book, you’d know that I was once called a ‘nobody’ at Paris Vogue. Now, people ask if I’m ‘somebody.’ We all started somewhere. Your reality today will not be your reality tomorrow. Believe in yourself and never, ever, ever give up.
Love & Light,
Images: Guillaume Landry. I’m wearing a jumpsuit by Abigail Griswold, who won a Supima competition in NYC.