Yesterday, I was shocked and saddened to hear that my colleague, Daisy Lewellyn, had lost her battle with cancer.
Daisy’s personality was simply electric. She was always smiling, chipper, and happy. She showed support for Fashion Bomb Daily and for me. In one of our last texts, she wrote, “Cheers to all you are doing. Your success is beautiful. I’m so happy for you. Xo, Daisy.”
Daisy went for her goals with gusto, writing a book, twirling on Reality TV, and appearing on several daytime talk shows as a Style Expert. She believed in herself fiercely and went for absolutely everything she wanted out of life, up to the last minute.
I think we all are guilty of procrastinating…saying you’ll go for what you want or live the life you deserve ‘one day.‘ Our days are not promised and each moment is precious, so act on your dreams NOW. You never know what life will throw your way.
Daisy’s sweet spirit can never be extinguished. Her sparkling aura touched the lives of many.
My dream for all who knew her is to honor her memory by going for it. Move confidently in the direction of your dreams. Do it with sparkle and pinache. And hope that every one you touch will be uplifted and inspired by your energy and zest for life.
Do it for yourself. Do it in memory of our sweet, beautiful angel, Daisy.
Rest in Peace.