Fashion Bomb Daily was born out of a desire to fuse my love of passion with writing. My initial musings to myself (and friends and family) gave me life and so much joy. I’ll never forget the first time I ever took analytics for the site and realized we had gotten 300 pageviews. To me, that was HUGE. Who were these 300 strangers reading my quibbles about trying clothes on and returning them, stopping by Manolo Blahnik sample sales, and fighting over coats at H&M ? Though my new online family was fun, I kept on typing away, almost as if writing to myself. Over the course of several years, I saw those 300 views go to 3,000, then 3 million.
With many pageviews comes a whole new beast. Now I was booked–sometimes too booked to blog. I’d parse together a few paltry words, and not even read my posts over before pressing publish. Content slowed down, but the demands didn’t. And somewhere in all the hubbub, I lost my WHY. Red carpets that used to make me giddy skewed mundane. Heck, I barely liked to shop anymore. And as my interest waned (and social media made it easier to do less), so did our pageviews.
For me, blogging became too much about business. Too much about running a company (something I did not set out to do!) and less about the art. Last night my mentor gave me a kick in the pants, saying, “Don’t chase money. Money is elusive, it comes and goes. Commit to greatness, and money will chase you.”
Out of that talk came new pictures. New Posts (I wrote a piece on the lack of African-American designers in Vogue, check it out)! New products on including these distressed LTD jeans painted by 15-year-old artist @IsratheArtist. And a renewed commitment greatness, which is what got me here.
Thank you guys for coming on this journey. The best is yet to come. Promise!
Until then, let’s be great.
Love & Light,
*Images: @MrVocabTV. I’m wearing a tee by Madame B, Jeans from, a Chanel bag from ASCResale, and bracelets by @Stylish_Eye_Diva.
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Featured/ Style
The Bomb Life 101: Don’t Chase Money, Chase Greatness