Happy July!
I totally missed the boat with last month’s lust list and July is dern near half over. My bad!
At any rate, behold a few items that are top of mind this sizzling summer:
Most of what you see above are either items I’m buying to replace other items OR things I’ve already purchased. SSense was having a ridiculous sale, so I splurged on Brian Atwood Abell Sandals and a Saint Laurent polka dot top. I somehow lost my cut off shorts and one half of my big gold earrings, so I might go ahead and invest in a pair of vintage Chanel baubles and One Teaspoon cut offs:
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I love a good pair of shades, and fell in love with Saint Laurent Flat Tops. And I’m feeling this whole new trend of wearing multiple bangles, so will throw on several sets with my ShopCandyBomb tees (my unofficial summer uniform).
What’s on your lust list this month?
In Lust List/ Shopping
My July 2014 Lust List: Brian Atwood Abel Studded Sandals, One Teaspoon Cut Off Shorts, and Saint Laurent Flat Top Sunglasses