Happy Monday!
I spent the last few days in LA for the official launch of Palm Breeze!
Day 1 called for a dinner, so I got my ‘boss lady’ on in a Brooks Brothers button down and a Blue Check pencil skirt from Kisua:
It’s funny. I was looking through some of my older outfits from 2012 and CRINGING, yet rejoicing in my evolution. But regardless of how many new silhouettes I try, I’m a prep to the core! So this outfit is so me. Button down, pencil skirt, preppy realness.
I accessorized with Club Monaco crystal earrings, then proceeded to be the most dressed up person at dinner.
Everyone else was wearing jeans and flats. Womp. But I guess it never hurts to be overdressed!
What do you think?
*The kind people at Kisua actually sent me the skirt after I blogged about Beyonce wearing it on FBD:
I got mine tailored to the TEE and kept it simple. Who wore it better?
*Images: Mark Martin
In Claire's Life/ Jimmy Choo/ Style
LA Style Diary: A Brooks Brothers White Button Down, Kisue Blue Plaid Check Mombasa High Waisted Skirt, and Jimmy Choo Blue Lace Up Sandals