After enjoying dinner with the crew, it was time for the Palm Breeze Launch party!
The alcoholic spritz comes in Pineapple Mandarin Orange and Ruby Red Citrus Flavors. As the fashion blogger in the group, I decided to go for a yellow/red theme in a Zara Layered Dress and Prada Triple Strap Wavy sandals.
This dress is backless, and let me tell you, the amount of ‘hooking up’ that had to go on underneath was exhausting!
First, I wore Spanx to hold it all together. THEN I slipped on a regular bra, but then added a low back converter so my strap wouldn’t show in the back. The straps, though low, still showed, so I safety pinned the straps to my Spanx. I think the dress looked pretty good, but I was glad to get out of my Spanx/bra contraption at the end of the night!
At any rate, I LOVE clothes that MOVE, so had so much fun with this little number.
It’s now covered in makeup and food (I’m greedy), so it might end up on FBD, or I might hold onto it and see how I can wear it again. Maybe with some white jeans?

(Grabbed a pic with host Shay Mitchell of Pretty Little Liars. She’s the bomb!)
Images: Mark Martin