Happy Tuesday!
I know I’ve said it before, but I am truly going to commit to updating this site once a day! The past few weeks have been a roller coaster, full of angst, anxiety, and frustration. This past Sunday, I just said: Enough!
Enough feeling sorry for myself. Enough being angry. Enough of allowing other people’s crazy to dictate how I feel or operate. Whatever is within my control, I will control, including what I say, what I do, and how I feel.
I was tempted to spend most of Sunday in bed, eating cookies and watching Youtube. But I needed to raise my energy and vibes, so I decided to dust off my running shoes and go for a run. I haven’t worked out in two weeks and I probably haven’t run more than a few miles in a couple years. But I just got out my work out clothes, laced up my shoes, and took off. I took in the greenery of the beautiful leaves, breathed in the summer air, and reveled in all the families enjoying their Father’s Day with barbecues, good music, and babies.
Running definitely made me feel better. And while I was jogging, I just thought about next steps and new beginnings. I’ve always treated my personal brand as a 2nd class citizen, and maybe GOD is forcing me to pay it more attention. Take care of and do ME vs. always hide behind a blog behemoth.
At any rate, I took these pix after a meeting in Dumbo. My mood: strong. Carefree. Sassy. Confident. And Ready to Take on the Next Step, whatever that may be.
Love & Light,
*This is the third time I’ve worn this Johanna Ortiz top, I think this time I got it right.
Skirt is by @ChaiDesignStudio.
In Bomb Life 101/ Johanna Ortiz/ Style
I am Strong: Refocusing my Energy in a Striped Johanna Ortiz Shirt and a Chai Design Studio Skirt