The Bomb Life

0 In Claire's Life/ Fashion Week/ Featured/ Fumi the Label/ Paris

Claire’s Life: Paris Fall 2024 Fashion Week Day 1 Wearing a Jitrois Leather Ruffle Jacket and a Fumi The Label Skirt

And I’m back in Paris like I never left!

This trip will be pretty chill. I’m only going to one big show tonight (details to come!). I spent my first day here just catching up on sleep, and spent yesterday visiting hat designer Ruslan Baginsky and enjoying Paris (pix to come!).

Every time I’m at Place la Concorde, I remember a young Claire who visited Paris over 15 years ago, and made the soul shifting decision of moving to Paris to pursue a career in Fashion. I knew only two people. All I had was faith and a dream, and I managed to get an internship at Paris Vogue, a freelance position at Italian Vogue, and ultimately change the trajectory of my whole life.

Every time I think of the ‘calling’ I felt while staring at the Obelisque at Place de la Concorde, I think to my move to LA. Things haven’t been easy, but I am confident in my decision. If I did it once, I can do it again. And you can, too! Once you have the confidence to do one big thing, it can inspire and motivate you to reach higher and dream bigger.

So while I was poo poo’ing being abroad for so long, yesterday was all I needed to refresh and realize that Paris is always a magical city for me. The Eiffel Tower is like my good luck charm; a beacon of all that is possible if you allow GOD to order your steps.

I won’t be in Paris for all of Fashion Week (psssst, people Stateside don’t GAF about Fashion Week), but I will certainly make the most of the time I’m here, eating all the snails, Orangina’s, and croque madams my heart desires. I also need to get back to get back to the gym and my normal eating. I need fruits and veggies haha.

Love & Light,

*Take a trip down memory lane with my other pix from Place de la Concorde:

Images: Pix by SMH

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