Hey Guys!
So it’s no surprise that I shop…a lot. Some might say I have a shopping problem!
While sometimes I’m gifted clothing (the dress below was courtesy of Just Enaj), I spend quite a bit on shoes, accessories, bags, you name it!
I do pretty well as a blogger, but I’m not a millionaire. And it’s time to start seriously saving for the future. The good times won’t roll forever! So, at the request of my accountant, I’ve decided to kick off a 3 Month Shopping Challenge!
Going cold turkey is too extreme, so I’ll give myself a $1K total budget per month. For everything else, I have to sell something in order to buy something new.
I mean, look at my closet!! Don’t you think I can make it werk with what I have, plus a few gifts thrown my way?
I’m going to abstain from shopping and share my monthly ‘score’ with you. Now my coins can go to saving and building WEALTH instead of lining the pockets of Bergdorfs, Saks, and Neiman Marcus.
It’s gonna be super tough, but one must eventually learn to be both fashionable and fiscally responsible.
I’ve been a bit of a mess, splurging on dern near everything. No better time than the present to start pulling back.
What do you think?