The Bomb Life

0 In Claire's Life/ House of CB/ Stuart Weitzman/ Style

Claire’s Life: Fantasia’s The Definition Of… Album Listening Experience in House of CB’s Mint Peyton Mini Dress

Hey Bomb Lifers!
Last night I was juiced to be invited to Fantasia’s The Definition Of…Album release party.
claire sulmers fantasia House of CB Peyton Mint Jacquard Mini Dress
I actually had the choice between going to a Nas event (raise your hand if you love Nasty Nas?!?), and Fantasia, but I figured…I’ve met Nas once before and I LOVE Fanny! She can sing, you can tell she’s so sweet, and I love it when she kicks off her shoes during her performances!

I literally get the spirit watching her! Makes me want to cry!
Anyway, enough of my fan girling. I had to meet her. And she was such a sweetheart and even invited me to sit at her table!
claire sulmers fantasia barrino the definition of party fashion bomb daily new york city
At any rate, for my night out, I slipped on House of CB’s Peyton Mint Mini Dress with Stuart Weitzman sandals:
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Apparently it’s a celeb fave, as Blac Chyna decided to wear the same dress last night also!
Here are some real questions, though: It took me MONTHS to fit into this dress! It runs small. I’ve been Soulcycling and walking steps for months to get this to zip! And Ms. Chyna wears it as a maternity dress. She must be tiny. So cute.
Anyway, it was a fun night!
And go pick up Fanny’s album here!
What do you think?

Love + Light!

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