Happy Monday!
Yesterday, I was blessed to celebrate yet another successful Cocktails with Claire x Ty Hunter D.C.
There’s one thing that undeniable: we have the support of our community. The event was 100% sold out. More than 200 fly DMV fashionistas and fashionistos warmed the seats at the Wonderbread Factory on Washington Street.
Ty and I came to D.C. after a whirlwind weekend that started with a stop in St. Louis, then went to Houston, and ended in D.C. I definitely knew it would be trying and exhausting, but I went for it! I wear my ‘workaholic’ title like a badge of honor. I always like to say, “I will outwork you.” And I will! I am one of the hardest workers you will ever meet! But as I sat on that panel during CWC D.C. and did my best to answer questions, I felt like I was running on E. I couldn’t think clearly or communicate the way I wanted to, and I was frustrated. I felt like I was letting everyone down. And finally, instead of trying to come up with the perfect answer, I had to speak from a place of truth and honesty. I spoke from the heart when I told the crowd WHY I started Fashion Bomb Daily. I spoke from the heart when I told them of all the poor days, rejections, and almost homeless situations I’ve encountered in my life. And then began the ugly cry.
I always like to think of myself as a strong, independent, boot strapping woman. And I am. But sometimes you just have to let it out. Admit, that behind the makeup and clothes, you do get tired. You do get discouraged. We make it look easy, but it is HARD. Even with all your success, you still deal with frustration. I am running like a mad woman because I don’t have a financier or an investor helping me run this company. I sell books to keep the lights on. I throw events to make sure staff writers get paid and our IG stays popping. I am doing my absolute best to keep this company going because I believe in my dream of creating a place that welcomes fashion lovers of all shapes, sizes, ages, races, and cultures. This path is not easy. At all. Sometimes you will want to cry.
The beauty of that moment was how many of you cried with me.
A lot of you out there are frustrated and feel as if you never will get your head above water. A lot of you feel like you keep working and working and the breakthrough is not happening. I want to let you know that you may feel weak–allow for that moment of weakness. We are human. But then wipe the tears from your eyes and keep going.
SZA’s new album has been in heavy rotation for me, and she has one song where the chorus goes, “I wish I was a normal girl.” Sometimes I wish I had just chosen a regular job with a regular paycheck and live a regular life. But GOD had other plans. Embrace that. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
With great achievements comes great sacrifice. When I broke down in tears in front of 200 people, I was exhausted and worn down. But those of y’all who came, know that I signed every book, gave every hug, took every selfie, and engaged in every interview. I stayed until the end because I value your support. Without FBD readers, there would be no ME or FBD!
Was I tired? Yes! You can sleep later. Fulfill your purpose on this earth. As Ty always says, this is not a rehearsal. This is the real deal. And you only have one shot.
So go for it! Don’t let anything stop you. Take a moment to have that ugly cry… then get back to business.
Love & Light,
*Images: Terri Baskin
**Our intern, Charise, is working on a recap for FBD. I really wanted to crank it out today, but please reference my previous serious need for sleep! The full recap + all the thank yous will be ready to go tomorrow morning. I’ll admit, I felt guilty about not having the recap ready for you guys today. But sometimes your biggest critic is in your head! You guys won’t kill me if it goes up tomorrow! So even though I would have preferred it go up today, I took today to travel back to NYC (!) and sleep. Hope you forgive me. The pix are beautiful, trust me. And will go live tomorrow. Smootches!