I get lots of e-mails from fashion industry hopefuls, and I respond to a lot of them! Instead of just letting them populate my inbox, I will share a few as part of Ask Claire; names and details will be changed to protect their identity!
Today’s note comes from Patrice, who says,
“I am a growing writer, blogger, and personal/professional brand ambassador. Upon graduation in May of 2017, I have hopes of moving to New York to pursue becoming a fashion or entertainment industry publicist.
I am currently an intern. Over the last eight weeks I have had the opportunity to speak with tons of executives about career development. A few of those executives have helped to prepare me for this highly anticipated moment.
I have been a literal and figurative follower of yours for years. If you do not mind me asking, what advice would you have given to your 20-year-old self as it relates to career development, public relations, and writing specifically? Also, what steps would you have suggested to get to where you are now as a young professional?”“
“I think you are doing all the right things; interning, working hard, and asking for advice.
I’d say continue to intern, and do the best work you can do. Come in early and stay late. A lot of young people give lip service to being totally devoted to a job. They say they are motivated, but their actions don’t match up. Hard work always wins.
Also, in fashion, looking the part helps. If you have doubts, consult with a stylist to come up with a look that fits within your budget but is also reflective of the job and position you aspire to have.
Lastly, get on social media! Start a website. Have an expertly curated Instagram. Though it’s fun to post pictures of your friends, save that for Facebook (and keep your Facebook page personal and private). You want everything related to you and your brand to be high quality and top notch.
Best of luck to you!”
What do you think? And do you have any tips to add for Patrice?