It is with utter shock, disappointment, and disbelief that I report that Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States.
Any minority; any disenfranchised, disrespected, and marginalized community feels the pain of this today.
America went from progress and hope with the election of Barack Obama, our first Black President, to a man who has spewed hatred, lies, stupidity, and misogyny for the duration of his campaign.
The question is what now?
My knee jerk reaction is to keep on keeping on, as we always have.
We have overcome police dogs, and all forms of oppression from slavery to legalized slavery via the prison system. We have survived black lives being killed as if they were useless chattel. We have survived the destruction of black families and economic disparity. And we will survive this. We are strong. We will not fail.
This election has served as a wake up call to me and I’m sure to many of you. We are so far from achieving equality. Our neighbors down South and in middle America really don’t think much of us. Thankfully this is still a free, democratic nation where we can go for our dreams. It might take longer, but the sky is the limit. So let’s get it.
Love + Light,
**I’m headed to Africa today and I couldn’t think of a better time. I need to get away! Y’all stay strong.