Hey Guys!
This Saturday, I’ll be hosting a coat drive and clothing sale at Harlem Capital Prep located at 1 E 104th St, New York, NY 10029.
This partnership came together thusly: as many of you know, I am moving to LA in January and have been purging my closet. I’ve been a bit of a hoarder, I must admit, and with all the swag I get, my spacious apartment was drowning in clothes, shoes, you name it. I invited my friends over to have at it, and they ended up leaving with 4 heavy garbage bags full of stuff. I recorded it all via Snapchat. It was fun and gratifying to see my friends rock my frocks (one of my friends just went through a rough period in her life and could’ve used a few extra sequins to brighten her day). It was the BEST FEELING EVER.
At any rate, a teacher from Harlem Capital Prep saw our shenanigans on the Snap and hit me up, telling me that the school was looking to get coats for disadvantaged students for winter. A lightbulb went off in my head and I decided to do what I was doing for my friends on a larger scale. Give away coats, and also fundraise for the school by having a wardrobe sale.
To whom much is given, much is required. If you are blessed, bless others. Blessings are like blood–they must flow. Holding onto it actually blocks your blessings and stops even more greatness from coming your way.
I’ll be honest: I didn’t grow up with a lot. My love of fashion was inspired when a girl at my fancy prep school in Atlanta made me feel bad for wearing the same pair of jeans more than once. I responded by making fashion my armor against the world. Many times after that run in with that bully, my closet would collapse under the weight of clothes. It was almost a mark of honor that I had SO MUCH after having so little. That childhood insecurity bled into my adult life where I was a self professed shopaholic. My love and obsession with fashion led me to create a fashion and shopping website that now reaches millions.
I went from a child who didn’t have enough to an adult who has wayyyy too much. And now it’s time to reach back to those children who might not have all they need. And pour into them some of the blessings I’ve received.
When I was young, I sharpened my fashion game by going to the malls and nabbing unique pieces at deep discounts. I would’ve loved to shop an influencers closet for a steal. At any rate, I’m doing it for the kids. For them to feel confident and be warm so that they can focus on what really matters: getting their education!
I hope to see you on Saturday…
In Claire Cares/ Claire's Life/ Featured
The Importance of Giving Back: Our Coat Drive and Wardrobe Sale at Harlem Capital Prep This Saturday!