Today was the very first time I allowed a staff member to recap an event honoring me!
Behold, Charise’s recap here (you can spy her on the right in lime green!).
It was lovely to have a different perspective and edit other people’s thoughts. Behold, another step towards letting FBD run on its own, so that I can live the Bomb Life!
Long story short, Woe Magazine had a great event celebrating me! Bombers and Bombshells gathered at Lord & Taylor for a fashion show, wine, treats, and a discussion surrounding my new cover and Book!
The love and energy in the room was palpable. D.C. represents! I can’t wait to come back on July 30th for Cocktails with Claire!
*Thank you to Ayo Thomas, Tamiko White, Keinde Thomas, Marsha Withers, and Nisa for extending so much hospitality and making me feel like a star! Thank you to event sponsors: @shoecrazywine, desserts by @baskettreats and food @chefchristinehazel.
**Shout out to FBD intern Charise aka @Planet_Reese.
**Images: Catherine Rae Photography