So I’m in London for Cocktails with Claire U.K. (Get your tickets at!
Yes, I hopped on a British Airways flight and should be resting, but am wide awake, tapping away. It will take me a while to get over the Jet Lag, but I’d figured I’d use this time to update The Bomb Life! Before I left for London, I had a book signing at the Just Bobbi shop on the first floor of Lord & Taylor!
Lots of fly Bombers and Bombshells stopped by, including Carmen Lilly, Alishia Crutchfield, Arnold Milfort, Efe Tommy, and Ty Hunter!
I also met lots of new readers. It was fun and fabulous! And now, my book is available at a retail store. You can stop by Lord & Taylor at 424 5th Avenue in New York and get a signed copy of my book at the Just Bobbi store! How cool!
I spent most of the day getting my hair colored (it was doing this unfortunate two tone thing). We will get there! But I really hadn’t thought much about what I was going to wear. I ended up just digging in my closet for a Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress and Dsquared2 Heels. Black always works, people!
It’s 2am in London and my makeup artist is coming at 8:30am. It is going to be a FULL day. Hope to see you U.K. Bombshells soon! And stay tuned for even more snaps from my European adventure.
Images: Marta McAdams