Last night, I had the distinct pleasure to go LIVE on @FashionBombDaily‘s Instagram to discuss BET Awards style with celebrity stylists I love and admire, Ty Hunter, June Ambrose, and EJ King:

These are people who help bring the fashion and flair to some of the biggest celebrities in the world: Beyonce, Jay Z, and Megan the Stallion to name a few. Chatting with these uber talented individuals who have become friends is my definition of a dream job, as it fused my passions for fashion, hip hop culture, and journalism. I never could have imagined that one day, I would be doing what I love for a living–on my terms.

When I was first starting out in the industry, I went after positions at various magazines, but couldn’t seem to catch a break! Then, later on, once I started to make a name for myself, I was presented with what seemed like golden job or business advancement opportunities, but they ultimately did not pan out.

2020 has been a time when so much that was done in that dark has come to light. I’m finding that many places where I was either offered an opportunity or wanted an opportunity were ultimately extremely toxic environments. Who knows how much mental health or bandwidth I would have sacrificed by stepping into those situations. And while I was disappointed at the time that some of them didn’t work out, I am now realizing that that seeming rejection was in fact, GOD’s protection.
If something doesn’t work out for you that you really wanted to happen, just trust that GOD has something better planned for you. Better than you could have ever imagined.
Love & Light,