So remember how Friday on FBD used to be for Mail Bombs? Well now, we basically answer celeb questions throughout the week, so Mail Bombs aren’t really necessary anymore!
But…we can have an Ask Claire session every Friday over here. Sound good? Let’s get started.
Tasha writes, “I’m so excited that you are taking the time out to answer our questions! My name is Tasha Marie, I’m a fashion blogger and image consultant with very little success. I live in Orlando, Florida. and I’m trying to get my business off of the ground. I’ve learned that I’m not the average 9-5 girl as hard as I try to be; my love for fashion overrides EVERYTHING and I just want to live life doing what I love. I’ve tried moving to New York but I wasn’t successful. The fashion journalists within me refuses to die but I just don’t know how to gain success. I became an image consultant by mistake,through styling myself, I’ve learned that others enjoy how I can create celebrity style for half of the price but how can I showcase my talents to the world?”
Hey Tasha! The first thing I want you to do is stop saying you are not successful and that you had very little success. Even if it’s true, your words carry weight. Try to change the way you speak about situations. It’s not delusion, but don’t give brain time or energy to acknowledging your flaws or failures. Success starts with the proper mindset! Start to think only of prosperity and affluence. When a negative thought or worry arises, immediately try to dismiss it. This is hard and takes practice. It is human to think negatively, you have to train yourself to think positive thoughts!
Aside from that, understand that Instagram, websites, and Facebook allow you to create anything you want. If you want to be an image consultant (and if you’re good), start styling people around you! Style your friends and family members; take professional pictures of them and post them on your Instagram. Once you have a large body of work (and people are reacting well), find ways to publicize your work. Heck, you can even submit pictures of your personal style to Fashion Bomb Daily for a chance to be featured as a Bombshell of the Day (we also promote the Bombshells on Instagram and Facebook!). Of course I know of FBD, but I’m sure there are other outlets you can tap to help spread the word.
Things don’t happen overnight. In my last post, I looked back at 10 years of writing my fingers off, coupled with publicity, which has resulted in me being where I am now. And I’m not done!
Understand that there are no overnight success stories and sometimes it’s just a matter of sticking it out AND continuing to evolve. If people aren’t on websites, go to Instagram. If people aren’t on Instagram, go on Snapchat! But continue to evolve your craft, do good work, and don’t give up.
Hope that was helpful! Do you guys have anything to add?
Love + Light,