To have me come speak about my journey or keynote your next event, email
So the past few weeks have been a little on the…slow side, which is not normal for me! I’m used to ripping and running, with every slot on my calendar filled to the brim. But since the end of NYFW, while most of my colleagues have been living it up at Milan, London, and Paris Fashion Weeks, I’ve been here. In New York. And a wee bit bored.

Of course we all deal with FOMO (amiright?). And after this season of not going to Europe, I realize that going gives me life. It’s my passion! I should never not go.

It’s easy to feel discouraged when things aren’t happening at the pace you would like! But then you will get those little moments that offer you hope, and let you know that you’re going to be fine.
That moment for me was being featured today on

Don’t I look so sassy? I don’t know what’s up with that face.
But any who, in the article, I give myself the same advice I’m giving you today.
An excerpt:
“Every year, the world continues to open up for me, and so for those starting out, just don’t get discouraged, and if you really love it, then do the work and be consistent and persistent,” says Sulmers. “You will break through.”
Read more here.
Everything happens in GOD’s time. And everything happens for a reason, in seasons.
I chose not to go to Europe this season, for multiple reasons (the main one is that I’m saving up for a big move! And I don’t want a repeat of the Paris bathtub situation! I’m too old for that!). But it was the wrong choice. I felt it in my spirit! I should have known that even though I once slept on a tub, that GOD always provides. At any rate, the good part is: I know myself better and now know not to do it again.
Always look at your career as a marathon, not a race. You will make mistakes. Keep going. And if you simply continue to do the work, the world will continue to open up for you.

To have me come speak about my journey or keynote your next event, email