Happy Monday!
I am currently in Houston nursing a heck of a cough. It started in Haiti. Day one, I felt pains in my joints, cold sweats, and an uncharacteristic loss of appetite. I powered through, doing a meet n greet in Port au Prince (pix to come), then waking up at 7am every day with the rest of the group, drinking Emergen-C and taking naps as I could.
Then it was back to NYC for all Eyez on Me.
And now I’m in H-town. Cocktails with Claire was outstanding!! Houston showed up and showed out!! But I had to have everyone around me armed with cough drops so I wouldn’t have a coughing fit on any of our guests.
When I was young, I never got to take sick days or days off from school. You know those movies where the kids give a little cough and say they were too sick to go to school, then they would proceed to have the best day ever at home, watching TV, eating cereal, and doing the Tootsie Roll? That was never the case for me! I don’t know why (I should probably ask my mom…), but feeling under the weather was never an excuse not to show up and give it your best effort.
Perhaps this is crazy? I have a few phone calls scheduled today and my voice is extremely hoarse. For my first call, I’m sure the young lady on the other end thought I sounded like a complete nutcase, so perhaps I’ll reschedule everything for the day and get some rest.
Here’s one thing I can say: don’t make excuses. If you have a job to do, do it. Of course take time to rest and recuperate. But I always think of when Beyonce’s hair got caught in a fan and she kept singing.
She literally didn’t miss a beat. She kept singing!
If people are coming to see you or if you have a job to do, and that job matters to you, put on some rouge and some lipstick and get to work.
As one of my favorites says, “You can sleep when you’re dead.”
Just don’t work yourself to death…
Love & Light,