OK guys. I hopped on over to Pinterest, and now I GET IT.
I never really search the site for fashion inspiration, but for home?!? Kaboom!
Check out a few interior ideas I pinned (I believe my username is TheFashionBomb).
Anyway, check them out below:
Yassssss! Hand over that chandelier!
It’s so funny. When I first started Fashion Bomb Daily in August 2006, I was a twenty something who only cared about hot shoes and bags (and getting them for less! Read my first post here.). 8 years later and my priorities have totally shifted. I have more clothes and shoes than I could conceivably need. It’s time to strive for more! A nice home, vacations, and just living the Bomb Life!
Anyway, lord knows how long it will take my girl Kelley and I to decorate my new digs, but I promise you guys will get first glimpse (I’m trying to get on Coveteur status! Watch me work!).
At any rate, enjoy your New Year’s celebrations. I might shoot a Style Diary, but it’s cold. LOL.
We’ll see.
Until next time…smootches!