it’s crazy to continue to complain about a situation but do nothing about it.
I hate where I live in New York. I’ve been complaining about it for months! And after hearing my neighbor seemingly do the wobble, electric slide, and one-two-step in clunky shoes over my head this morning at 9am…then open the blinds in my living room to enjoy the view of construction, trash cans, debris, and LARGE BLACK TRASH BAGS, I thought: I gotta get out of here. For the sake of my sanity!
My lease is up in January, and when the management office called me about renewing I said yes because I felt: moving is hard! And expensive. Can I figure out how to move in 2 months?
Today, I decided. Yes I can.
My plan. Put my stuff in storage. And go somewhere else! I’ve actually been playing with the idea of spending some time in LA. As we do more interviews, I figured LA would be a good place to go for a short whilte. Every time I go to the West Coast, it’s for 72 hours max! I think FBD could flourish by spending just a short while in LaLa Land.
But now I need your help! Have any suggestions on companies that could pack my apartment up and store it? Know of apartments in LA?
Any words of encouragement? Leave ’em below.
Life is too short to be in a situation that makes you unhappy, and that refers to EVERYTHING: Jobs, relationships, and your living situation. Don’t settle for less than what you want or deserve! You deserve the best!
Love + Light,