I recently came to a realization during my trip to Paris as it pertains to luxury fashion.
It’s no surprise that Fashion Bomb Daily has never had a seat at the table when it comes to high end designers and runway shows. Not even standing room, y’all.
Sure, we can write about these brands until our wrists hurt; we can love and consume high end designers until our bank accounts beg for mercy. But it is rare that those brands show any love back. It’s been a long struggle to have big fashion houses feature diverse models on their runways, and marketing still lacks diversity. It recently occurred to me that this is done by design.
The essence of luxury is to be unattainable. Luxury brands could traditionally be exclusive because their goods had high price tags that only a select few could afford. Times have changed and now a more diverse group of people can afford it. But still the allure of luxury is in its exclusivity and untenability.
The masses love luxury BECAUSE it is traditionally unattainable. They want it BECAUSE it’s not easy to have. So if luxury finally gives in and lets the masses enjoy, it loses its raison d’être. It loses its reason for being. So in order to maintain its CORE, it HAS to keep people out.
While some brands see the value of marketing to millions who will collectively spend millions, some brands are ok with catering to a select few who still spend quite a bit. When it comes to luxury fashion, they will always try to keep us out. If they let us in, what do they have?
And with that realization, I am no longer scratching my head as to why it seems so hard to get in the door. I’ll get in where I fit in (of course), but I think it’s important to always know who and what you’re dealing with. David conquered Goliath with a small stone and I never think something is impenetrable or impossible.
But when you realize that you are challenging the Essence of what something stands for, then you are able to see the big battle you have before you. Understand that it’s not about being good or doing great work or having a huge following…and actually having a huge following can work against you in this case! But when you know what you’re dealing with and know who you are…you can gear up for the great fight ahead.* I’m going to continue to work on your behalves and on mine. Because we deserve a seat at the table.
Love & Light,
*I always think of tales like the Hobbit when I think of what I’m dealing with (diversifying the fashion industry). You have a small guy who has a huge fight before him…and the fight seems impossible to win. The opposing team has dragons, giants, monsters and 100,000 soldiers while you are basically on your own with a few dwarves and elves. But somehow the good guy always wins in the end:)
**Shout out to brands like Moschino, Versus Versace, Balmain, and many more who support those who support them, see the value of catering to a diverse clientele, and understand that the only color that truly matters is green.
Images: Guillaume Landry and Kaira Peyton snapped in Italy and Paris where I have been writing, shopping, gathering great content, meeting beautiful people, and living The Bomb Life.
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Featured
Fashion Week Epiphany: The Essence of Luxury Fashion Is to Keep The Masses Out