Earlier this week, I was honored to receive a Voice of the Year Award from Blogher and SheMedia:

I was given 5 minutes to tell my story: the Cliff Notes Version. I described how much resistance I experienced in entering the fashion industry back when I started Fashion Bomb Daily in 2006. Despite my Ivy League degree and experience, I heard “No” so many times that I ultimately decided to create my own path.

If you are in a similar situation, I’d like to offer some encouragement! Know that sometimes it takes 15 years (or more) to hit your stride. Be patient and trust your journey.
Also know that many ‘great’ people get told “No” or fail all the time. Just don’t give up. Rejection is GOD’s protection and what GOD has planned for you is always way better than you could ever imagine.

In your ‘down times” make sure you express gratitude for what you have. It’s natural for those with ambition to want MORE. But you won’t get blessed with more if you can’t be grateful for what you have. Gratitude breeds abundance. Even if you’re down and out, be thankful for life and good health. Be thankful for your bed. For sunlight. There is a lot to be thankful for.

Lastly, know that life doesn’t really get easier. You will face rejection, adversity, and unfair situations at all stages of your career. BUT it builds character, and gives you the confidence and resolve to know that you can do everything you put your mind to. And once you achieve your goal, it will be that much more fulfilling.

I’d like to thank BlogHer and SheMedia for this honor. Thank you to everyone who has supported or helped me along the way (too many to name!). I’d also like to thank everyone who told me ‘No,’ because it put a battery in my back to work hard as heck to get to where I am*. And I’m not done yet!!!
Love & Light,

Images: Badmon
*Sometimes you may wonder why it’s so hard? Don’t people know that you can do it? But again, it goes back to what GOD’s plan is for your life. Think of the many, many things that you wanted that didn’t work out–aren’t you better off for it? I remember that after my internship at Paris Vogue, I wanted to be hired and stay in Paris. But it didn’t happen, so I came home, and so much opened up for me. Before that, I wanted to work at American Vogue, but if I had gotten a job, I wouldn’t have moved to Paris and had all those adventures!
You just have to trust that the closed doors are opening bigger, cooler doors. Trust the process and keep the faith!