Happy Tuesday!!
My life has been pretty robust lately!! I literally just got back from Ghana (putting the finishing touches on my recap, still. I know. It’s the photo editing for me), and now I’m in Atlanta for the week. My hometown always shows me lots of love, and this past weekend was no exception. I hosted Day 1 of Women and Wine Weekend, which is an event all about female empowerment, over wine!
I am a bit all over the place and honestly need an executive assistant who can coordinate things like this, but BERSICALLY, I forgot to book a photographer until the last minute, so I don’t personally have any professional images of me speaking (I texted my go to, Christian Google, minutes before I stepped on stage). But here are screenshots from someone’s story from Instagram (Lol).

The fact that I can get it together and not look and sound crazy is sometimes an accomplishment. I booked hair and makeup the night before (in Atlanta of all places), which is no small feat! But thanks to the many relationships I’ve been blessed to nurture over the years, women like Latasha Wright (makeup) and Shauna Altman (hair) squeeze me in and make sure I show up and shine!
Also, thank you to brands like Sister Love MJB, Muehleder and Kandees Shoes who send me clothing and accessories so that I can rock my speaking engagements in style.
True Story: Part of my tasks at Women and Wine Weekend was to host a ‘Masquerade Party’ and of course (?) I forgot. So the daytime event ended at 4pm, and the Masquerade Party was slated to start at 8pm. I zoomed to The Ivy Showroom, a black owned fashion house where you can rent clothing for special occasions. And then I ran to Costumes, Etc before they closed for a masquerade mask.
Anywho, this look came together in 4 hours:
Truth was I was tired! Can’t you see it on my face? Haha.
But as my personal brand grows, it just means my team needs to grow with it. So, if you’re an executive assistant looking for experience, holla at me! I just want someone chill who doesn’t want to the gig so that they can do all the ‘fun’ stuff. The ideal candidate would be a hard worker who simply believes in the vision. If that’s you, you know what to do! Email Book@clairesulmers.com.
In conclusion, life will throw things at you. Just roll with the punches. Do what needs to be done. Tired or not! Prepared or not! And be prepared for next time.
What say you?
Love & Light,

Images: Google is Human