Happy Wednesday!
This past weekend, I went to the beautiful St. Thomas in USVI to deliver the keynote speech at Janette Brim’s Caribbean Posh Weekend:
In my speech, I spoke about the many things in my life I’ve done ‘Scared’ from going to Harvard to moving to Paris to giving keynotes all over the world! The truth is, I’m always scared to do stuff! But I do it anyway, fueled by my faith in GOD and the spirit of my Bahamian and Haitian ancestors!
The Brunch was all about hot pink/fuchsia, so I wore a dress by Taller Marmo and shoes by Voyette Lee (coming soon to Fashion Bomb Daily Shop!).

I spent the rest of the weekend sunning and eating fried fish at Coki Beach and beautiful Magen’s Bay:
The trip was short but sweet, but definitely needed for some rest and relaxation.
Stay tuned for more!
Love & Light,