Happy Tuesday!
If you’ve been following my Instastory or Snapchat, you’d know that I am 8 days in to a self imposed workout plan, affectionately dubbed 30 days of fitness until #NYFW. That’s right. I am working out every single day until the shows begin.
My work outs entail training sessions with Rustin Steward (above), slow trots/fast walks through the streets, and precipitous Citibike cycling, risking life and limb.
I’ve also changed my diet! I’ve eliminated meat (yes, I watched What the Health), and have cut out all alcohol. You heard that right. Cocktails with Claire has been replaced by Green Juice and Acai Bowls with Claire.
The results, thus far, have been great. I’m happier (though a bit sore, I’ll be honest!). I feel better. I have more confidence (yes, I really wore a crop top and shorts today to go bike riding). And hopefully, by the end, I’ll lose a few pounds and trim my waistline (I plan on taking a REAL vacation after Fashion Month!).
As I move into the ‘public figure’ arena, I’ve got to be more healthy and disciplined. And let’s be honest, one of the prerequisites for success as a more forward facing person is a fit frame. All those celebs we salivate over on red carpets are in the gym, please believe. I once spoke to Jennifer Lopez’s trainer, Gunnar Peterson, about her work out regime, and he conveyed that she worked out 6 days a week (because even GOD took a day of rest).
These are the breaks, children. Cheers to fitness! Wish me luck. And follow my journey on the ‘Gram and on the Snap. I’ll be compiling every day into a fun video at the end of my journey.
Love & Light,
*Diet is HUGE! If you work out and eat poorly, you won’t see results. I read Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet back in the day, and it worked.
It basically classifies you by body type and then gives you a list of foods you can eat in excess, and foods you should avoid. Basically everything you crave ends up being foods you should avoid! For me, I should avoid meat and alcohol! For my Adrenal body type, a vegetarian diet is ideal. Lord knows I love a meat and cheese plate and a cocktail, but if I want to stay trim, it’s all about lean greens. Read about your body type and suggested tips here. Get Dr. Abravanel’s body type diet book here.