I am probably the most boring person when it comes to style. I don’t like to experiment, I always like a classic look (hence the Balmain blazers), BUT being in my position as the editor of a fashion company, I’ve been compelled to switch it up in ways I never imagined or anticipated.
Of course, most of you met me with blond locs. Because of my penchant to ‘go with what works,‘ many of you got VERY COMFORTABLE with this look to the point I still have not heard the end of it. It’s like referencing a bygone golden era of golden hair.

I thought I would have this style forever. But a misstep into red dye ca 2017 kick started a train of hair experimentation and we haven’t looked back since.
When my hair looked like yarn after my attempt to go red (in my opinion), I cut it all off. Because blond was my thing, I thought I’d start with blonde wigs.
I didn’t know anything about hair, wigs, lace, blending or the fact that blond hair for black girls is a VERY hard look to pull off 24/7/365. Blond Hair has to look perfect. Blonde hair gets dirty with brown makeup. Blonde wigs are for special occasions. The most you should wear blonde hair is for like 2 days. I really was trying to go for it all year round. Though my friends say it wasn’t so bad, when I look back, I cringe.

It wasn’t until a hair vendor mistakenly (?) sent me a black wig that I realized that while blond rocked with locs, it was not the best move for straight hair. And then my love affair with black, glossy hair began.

Wigs, weaves, bundles…I’ve honestly tried and done it all. But any black woman who wears wigs on the regular can tell you that their edges suffer as a result. The constant gluing causes many to have a receding hairline. And while wigs and weaves are said to be protective styles, most times our natural hair suffers greatly underneath.
Also, though I am not a top athlete, I do work out, and I sweat! So after trying to go for a run with a wig smothering my scalp in the dead heat of summer, I decided to go to Official Razor Chic in Atlanta, chop it all off, and let my scalp breathe for a change.
One of Razor Chic’s taglines is that she will make you fall in love with your hair. And I can say that she made me fall in love with mine! Short hair is not easy to maintain (at all), but I love that I don’t have to deal with any glue, my pores are breathing, and my hair feels healthier.
I always thought the longer the better (mainly because I have a round, full face), but I have very fine, baby soft hair. Me having hair down my back is not in my DNA. And I’m glad I’ve found a natural look that works for me.
For the winter, I definitely want to experiment with color (maybe back to blonde!).
If you are afraid to experiment, just go for it, but do it in your own time. My ‘boring’ outlook on style always came from a ‘poverty’ or ‘lack’ mindset i.e. I need to stick to this one style or this one thing because it was the most economical choice. I can say with certainty that I initially opted for locs in college because it was a low cost, low maintenance hairstyle.
Now that I’ve worked my butt off to be able to afford wigs, weaves, and all sorts of hairstylists, I can have some fun, not just when it comes to hair but to fashion as well. All I can say is never put yourself into a box. And your next hairstyle might be your best hairstyle.
Love & Light,

*Just for fun, which hairstyle is your favorite?