Yesterday was my birthday!!!
I was on the fence about what to do, but when my oldest brother generously offered me tickets for my friends and I to see a Comedy Show featuring Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin, George Lopez, and D.L. Hughley, I said, “Sign me up!”
We relaxed in the suites at Barclay’s, gnoshed on chicken wings, and at the end, I got a birthday cake (I heard it was good, I’ve sworn off carbs for the next 6 months)!
At any rate, all day yesterday and for all days moving forward, I will embrace an attitude of gratitude. If you don’t take a step back and appreciate all you have, you cannot be blessed with more.
I am grateful that GOD has allowed me to live another wondrous year on this earth, doing what I love. I am grateful for all my friends and family who celebrated with me last night. And I am grateful to all of you for holding me down.
This is our year. Let’s make it BOMB.
Love & Light,
Images: Marta McAdams
In Casadei/ Claire's Life/ Featured/ Life of G.O.D.S/ Shades of Shea/ Style
Birthday Mood: Grateful, Wearing Haus of Shea (Shades of Shea) and Life of G.O.D.S