I have literally spent all morning crying. All morning. And while I’d love to come here and tell you about what I wore to #NYFW, and how I easily breezed around the city in my sponsored Lexus vehicle, something else is on my heart: Being an entrepreneur is hard. But we make it look easy. There is not a photographer around to take pictures of me crying like a baby into my keyboard.
How dare I complain, right? I’m showing you pictures of me wearing a $990 Gucci t-shirt and $1,980 track pants from Net a Porter (that some man had the NERVE to call pajamas!). By the grace of the good lord, I’ve been a Toyota Ambassador for three years, which means I get to drive cool cars basically whenever I want, and Lexus vehicles during Fashion Week (Lexus is their sister company).
But it all has a price. I woke up this morning to FashionBombDaily.com and saw that none of my staff had written anything at all this weekend. NOTHING. Ok one person wrote a show review. But between New York Fashion Week and seemingly dozens of Grammy parties, we didn’t have any fresh content on the site. I was mad. I cried. I called my mom. Called 2 friends. And took conference calls and calls with my financial advisor and bookkeeper while rolling up my sleeves and doing it myself.
I’m not writing this to make my staff feel bad at all. Writing red carpet rundowns (not just uploading pix to Instagram) is modern day slavery. Ditto with show reviews. It’s not fun work, and it is incredibly monotonous. I’m sure they wanted to relax and enjoy their weekends just as much as I did! But the thing about being an entrepreneur is that you don’t get to take a day off. There are no vacations. No moments to meditate and reflect. And if you can’t find someone to do something for you (even if you will pay them), you do it yourself.
Being an entrepreneur means working nonstop and never giving up. Doing every single job, from the boring monotonous tasks to higher level projects. Taking a break to wipe the snot from your nose, think to yourself, “This sucks but I’d rather be doing this than going into an office,” remind yourself that you really are blessed to write your own life story and keep f*cking going.
This is the narrative that happens behind the smiles on the ‘Gram.
To all my fellow entrepreneurs and creatives, know that I’m with you! And even though things get difficult, there are also those moments of absolute beauty, sheer clarity, and joy that ultimately make it all worth it.
Love + Light,