The Bomb Life

2 In Claire's Life/ Givenchy/ Style

The Bomb Life Rewind: An Equipment Top, Nicholas Bonded Split Skirt, and Givenchy Shark Tooth Sandals

A great place to score duds for less? Ebay.
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Such was the case for this Equipment top that I wanted, but was sold out *everywhere*. I found a vendor who had the blouse above in several sizes. I didn’t ask any questions, just pressed ‘purchase.’
2  claire sulmers equipment shirt nicholas skirt givenchy shark tooth sandals
I paired it with a Nicholas Bonded Split Skirt I also scored for a steal. Around June of every year, summer clothes go on sale. Save your coins for that time, and then get what you’ve been eyeing for less.
4  claire sulmers equipment shirt nicholas skirt givenchy shark tooth sandals
One thing you can’t necessarily wait on: shoes. Especially if you have big feet!
These Givenchy sandals were sold out everywhere. I copped the last size 41 from Barney’s and haven’t looked back.
5  claire sulmers equipment shirt nicholas skirt givenchy shark tooth sandals
What are some of your smart shopping tips?
Photos by Ed Kaviche

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